Stage 1
Stage 1 includes an assessment feature which allows the client to record and find out their average pitch with guidelines regarding make, female and gender neutral pitch ranges. Stage 1 also contains five separate lessons which cover the fundamental aspects of voice and speech feminisation. These involve modification in the areas of: resonance, pitch, intonation, and vowel length. The final lesson of Stage 1 combines these voice and speech aspects to help develop control sustaining the feminised voice.
Stage 2
After acquiring the basic skills, the exercises in Stage 2 are designed to develop stamina, ability and confidence. The exercises for all the voice feminisation aspects gradually increase in length and variety and are modelled throughout by Christella. Stage 2 includes an increased focus on conversational voice and incorporates practice recommendations.
Stage 3
Stage 3 offers a more advanced level of practice with longer and more complex exercises, practice tips and additional material. This helps the ‘practice’ Voice to generalise into the persons’s everyday Voice. More advanced voice training assists the client with more challenging aspects such as using the telephone and using louder volume. These generally require more practice and increased confidence.
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